The Contessa’s Pimp

by Sunny, Oct. 28, 2018

Oh, “pimp” is such an ugly word, but in this case it’s used metaphorically, to refer to the owner of a hotel called the Contessa in San Antonio, Texas. And the term is apt.

The very name “Contessa” sounds gracious, and the hotel has a most desirable location on the Riverwalk. I haven’t been inside, though, and won’t go now, because this is a business which breaks contracts based on its apparent distaste for certain ideas. I refer specifically to its contract with a group for an all-day event on Sept. 8, 2018, featuring speakers talking about Israel’s 1967 attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, its role in 9/11, and other “non-mainstream” topics. The Contessa canceled the event without explanation two weeks before it was to take place, leaving the organizers scrambling to find another venue.

The speaker whose topic was “Solving 9/11” was Christopher Bollyn, who, indeed, has solved 9/11 by connecting numerous dots which form arrows pointing to Israel. Some of his revelations include the Israeli ownership of an entity called Ptech, whose deep fingers in the 9/11 pie are the subject of this interview James Corbett did of Indira Singh. Ptech had access to and control of the computers of several federal agencies. Think about it: because the American military made no response to the “planes” seen on the FAA’s radar, there must have been no real planes, as they (and Dick Cheney) knew. The radar tracks were a computer simulation and the towers came down via pre-planted explosives. The only problem with Singh’s information is that she believed the firm was run by Arabs. Bollyn discovered that the “Arabs” were two Israelis using pseudonyms.

There are dots connecting the owner of the Contessa with Bollyn which I recognized, having litigated, in the 1990’s, to protect instream flow water rights in the Aspen area in Colorado. The instream flows were, and continue to be, jeopardized by snowmaking conducted by ski resorts. The technology involves big pumps that suck water out of the stream with a monstrous jolt, mix it with chemicals, and spray it on the slopes to create artificial snow in November and December. There is not much natural snowfall during that period, and the resorts want to attract skiers over the holidays. These two months are a critical time for breeding for the brown trout, however–Colorado’s state fish. The egg clusters need a small amount of water to flow over them during the winter to remain viable. That minimum amount is what is decreed as the instream flow water right. But the big snowmaking pumps suck all the life-giving flow out of the stream and that’s the end of your brown trout population, and other fish, as well.

The owner of the first ski resort I litigated against, challenging a giveaway to it of 40% of the decreed instream flow right in Snowmass Creek by the Colorado Water Conservation Board for the important public purpose of enabling skiing in November (a little sarcasm there), was the Aspen Skiing Company, which at that time was controlled in a partnership, and by 1993 owned outright, by the Zionist Crown family of Chicago. Chris Bollyn has pegged the Crown family as organized crime and has several articles on his website about them, such as this one. They also control (as directors) General Dynamics, the biggest “defense contractor” in the United States, maker of helicopters, bombs, Abrams and Stryker tanks, and other deadly implements of war. The second ski resort I litigated against, in an effort to protect nearby Maroon Creek from snowmaking, was Hines Highlands. The two companies merged sometime after 1993.

The name “Hines” belongs to Houston developer Gerald Hines, who died in 2020. Therein, I believe, lies the reason the conference–and Bollyn–were kicked out of the Contessa Hotel. The hotel was owned by Hines, ski company partner with the Crown Family (and himself a Jewish supporter of Israel) whose members like Chris Bollyn so little, and have such power, that they got police to beat and Taser him in his own driveway and haul him to jail*, in retaliation for solving 9/11. (For that matter, our Zionist overlords don’t want Americans to learn about Israel’s murderous attack on The Liberty, either.)


*Well, I am the one making the connection between the Crowns and local police; Bollyn did not do so explicitly himself, as far as I can find.

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