(Originally published on Fellowship of the Minds.com, in Summer 2018; published here 2/5/2023.)
[Author’s Note: This article is based on collaborative research between Anne Berg, Alison Maynard and me. For many readers, it will be a rehash. Its value, we believe, lies in evidence that the mainstream media and other official sources effectively confused the public with contradictory reports and photographic overload, on the one hand, and photographic obscurity on the other. It appears that we are supposed to accept the official sources’ many blunders and mistakes as “human error” while remaining convinced that only establishment media are qualified interpreters and reporters of the 12-14-12 incident. ~C.]
The doors at the Sandy Hook Elementary School were once subjects for rigorous discussion. Think back to those early days when controversy raged over locked bathroom doors and front entrance door cameras. But like Huxley’s “doors of perception,” Sandy Hook’s seem to have had a hallucinatory effect on most, supplanting critical thought with a one-way trip to oblivion.
Those peek-a-boo port-holed classroom doors, for instance, that could only be locked from the outside. How inconvenient if you’re attempting to keep a raging lunatic out. Yet, how convenient if you’re shooting for a particular mortality outcome while constructing a scene from a thriller.
Sandy Hook’s interior doors were perfect for the plot. You could easily picture Adam Lanza’s goggle eyes (with or without sunglasses?), Beatle helmet hair (with or without a hat?) and cartilaginous neck framed in those windows, like a mescaline-induced nightmare.
With the horror behind the doors in the spotlight, the bass-ackwards locking mechanisms were mostly ignored (apparently by safety-conscious SHES Principal Dawn Hochsprung as well as the sleepy-headed public), until the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission recommended that school hardware should lock from inside. You have to marvel at such blinding hindsight.
BELOW: Room 12 door handles at the Sandy Hook Elementary school as photographed by Gunsalus for the CT State Police report. Room 12 was Kaitlin Roig’s domain.
Why does the closet door lock from the inside while the room door handle doesn’t?
A theme of confusion and illusion. The official/media portrayal of other doors at the school and other buildings involved in the incident deserves a review, too. Through their keyhole, one can spy a theme of confusion and illusion; whether the outcome is purposeful obfuscation or mere carelessness is a matter of opinion.What was shown? What was hidden? Why a particular door, as opposed to another? Asking those questions so late in the game may actually be well-timed, since all of the mainstream media (MSM) reports are now in.
The doors tell a similar story. So let’s begin at the entrance to the Sandy Hook School, the one described in an excerpt from a police report provided via a FOIA request by Wolfgang Halbig:
That’s the one I mean.
A gaping hole. Nearly everyone has seen the famous Connecticut State Police photo of the Sandy Hook Elementary window near the entrance doors of the school. Nearly everyone knows it was shot out, allegedly by Adam Lanza, to allow entrance either by ducking forward or bending over backward, being careful not to catch one’s crotch on the shards.
The window in the photo is a fright, but the furnishings appear nice and intact, perfectly aligned and tidy. Even the magazines on the table are squarely stacked.
We’re expected to believe that the six-foot+ Lanza (and, later, a limbo line of police) entered this peaceful sanctum through the hole, crunching forward on glass fragments, without leaving the chaotic signs that violence usually marks its territory with. No boot prints. No stained upholstery, no upside-down furniture, no destruction of anything fragile, such as a flimsy magazine rack that Lanza, it’s presumed, painstakingly slid out of the way and arranged at a nearly perfect 90-degree angle to the window.
Here’s one perspective:
According to sworn affidavits in the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Reports (CT Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection), a long line of policemen entered through the window hole [1]. If that’s true, as Wolfgang Halbig has asked, why didn’t one of them think to unlock the main door for his chums?
Improbable as this scene seems to Halbig (and likely everyone reading this), certain Sandy Hook believers have insisted on its authenticity over the years. From the cleverly named “Crisis Actors Guild,” for instance, a voluminous wag, “Shill Murray,” claims that the magazine rack sustained a bullet hole. S/He even provides the images below:
Shill Murray is an urbane enough writer through most of it, until a reader challenges him/her. Then s/he spurts acid and scurrilous language:
CB: Do you see a bullet hole in the magazines depicted in the photos above? I don’t.
What I do see is a flimsy prop, possibly set in place as a “time capsule” to substantiate the official report that SHES was open in December 2012. All of the magazines but one were 2012 editions, as Shill Murray demonstrates in the first of his/her 15-part series, “Sandy Hook Elementary Was Open.”
Shill is so punctilious in his/her examination of those neatly arrayed magazines that you can’t help but marvel. Such timeliness and orderliness are in stark contrast with the dated-looking, chaotic piles we see in other areas of the school.
So it seems justifiable to place the magazine rack on the already long list of Sandy Hook anomalies.
A shattered door window. A 2017 yahoo.com article provides a very different picture of a SHES door, creating more mental clutter and confusion. Below is the photo and caption from the article:
Note that the caption refers to “a door,” not the front entrance door “of the Sandy Hook Elementary School” damaged in the “shooting rampage.” You might understandably conclude that this door was one of Adam Lanza’s targets.
These brown doors are nothing like the metallic silver doors in the entrance photo shown previously. Yet the Yahoo article treats them as if they were the same doors, with a paragraph directly below the photo referring to “the front doors of Sandy Hook.”
Maybe the confusion created by Yahoo is unintentional; maybe not. But why not show the doors and window being discussed? Surely a hole with the circumference of a tire would get more reader views than a window that simply looks vandalized.
The same brown doors depicted above can be found in several other Sandy Hook Elementary photos from the Connecticut State Police report, identified by IMGUR as having been broken out by police officers.
When were they taken? There are no dates, so we can’t be sure. Nothing specific is provided about these doors in the State’s Attorney’s report except for this (page 17): “The conditions of windows and doors were documented, but some may have been disturbed by police and emergency personnel during the emergency response and protective sweep of the building.”
But what if the photos were taken before 12-14-12? If so, why? For a commissioned architectural study prior to demolition of the ratty-looking school? It’s anyone’s guess, but if so, vandals could easily have been the door-smashers, given the frangible nature of the glass.
It’s also possible that the vandalism occurred on 12-14-12. According to this article, based on the Connecticut State Police report (which took five years to complete), certain “dignitaries” trampled evidence at the crime scene and “heavily armed officers not clearly identifiable as police” were hanging about. What happens to the thin blue line in such circumstances?
Another shattered door window. The media trotted out yet another Sandy Hook Elementary door perspective in a video that competes with the ones above. This one is compliments of MailOnline. See below, noting that the left-hand door’s glass is shattered while side windows remain intact.
Closer examination reveals that this is an interior view of the brown doors discussed above.
In the photo below, the same type of brown door at yet another SHES entrance show the interior door’s push-bar handle. (You have to zoom in on the left-hand door to see it.)
Interesting, once again, that these doors – ostensibly shot out by police – were featured instead of the front entrance photo with the blown-out window. Why? Perhaps it was because of that dang magazine rack.
Whoever broke through the brown door must have had one heck of a time getting his/her hand through the gap over that nasty-looking shard to reach the inside push bar. Not an easy maneuver.
Circling the doors. Sandy Hook doubters are already familiar with the circle dance performed around the Sandy Hook firehouse that was captured on videotape by a police helicopter. Around and around people went, out one door, in another and out the door again, creating the illusion that there were mobs of people and mass confusion. This deserves much more discussion and readers can still find some of it on YouTube, notably, Sofia Smallstorm’s “Unraveling Sandy Hook.”
Hidden doors. There are more doors of interest at Chalk Hill Middle School (375 Fan Hill Road in Monroe, CT), which was Sandy Hook Elementary’s twin, made into an “exact replica” according to one ABC report. (You may well ask why, given the horrors that allegedly occurred in the school, anyone would want children in a replica environment.)
Chalk Hill is where Sandy Hook survivors were bused a few weeks after the 12-14-12 incident to finish out the school year. And, according to various sources, they were there well before the incident, too, leaving a breadcrumb trail of invoices behind them.*
Unlike Sandy Hook, however, Chalk Hill has done a splendid job of hiding its doors in all of the online photos from U.S. news sources that we were able to find. A large metallic overhang makes it next to impossible to view the entrance where SH children were escorted inside before and after 12-14-12.
Below is the same school as a Sandy Hook “replica.” Confusing, but at least this is honest. Chalk Hill’s use as a Sandy Hook replica before 12-14-12 was cleverly concealed from the public.
It isn’t clear from the above photos whether or not Chalk Hill has any front entrance doors at all. However, here is a photo that proves the existence of Chalk Hill’s back entrance doors, compliments of Google Maps.
Insights from Israel. While U.S. media largely failed to capture pictures of the Chalk Hill school’s exits and entrances, Israel succeeded in the window category. Always at the ready to record disasters waiting to happen, the Israeli press (Times of Israel) came up with this beauty (below), crediting AP. Peaked and window-heavy, it bears no resemblance to the shuttered-looking, flat-topped Chalk Hill Middle on Fan Hill Road in Monroe.
The caption reads: “Chalk Hill School in Monroe, Conn., where Sandy Hook Elementary School students from neighboring Newtown began classes on Thursday (photo credit: AP/Jessica Hill).”
It turns out to be Jockey Hollow Middle School in Monroe, photographed by Jessica Hill on Jan. 3, 2013. Ms. Hill either photographed the wrong school despite the likely presence of signs outside – or the sign outside read “Chalk Hill Middle School.” If the former is true, chalk it up to human error. If the latter, you must wonder: Why all of this identity confusion?
Were children in the Sandy Hook and Monroe school systems regularly being shuffled around from one town to the other, swapping classrooms and buildings like germs? Silly notion, but consider the very real evidence that Chalk Hill Middle’s address (375 Fan Hill Road, Monroe) appeared on invoices for Sandy Hook Elementary long before 12-14-12 (see Point 2 and Exhibits 8 and 9).
Shape-shifting. Sandy Hook Elementary’s identity crisis began long before it became mixed up with Chalk Hill. In a 2003 Newtown Community Facilities document no longer available online, it was once mistaken for Hawley Elementary School.
Cinderella grabbed the above photo and caption from the document PDF early in 2016. Here it is again from a screen capture by researcher Mona Alexis Pressley in her article, “Sandy Hook Had 2 Principals, 2 School Buildings, but 0 CAPT Scores for 2009”:
Big honking typo? Could be – if the Newtown Ministry of Proofreading was on holiday when the document was released.
Or is this part of the same bizarre theme noted above, in which Sandy Hook Elementary was whatever certain people said it was? A school whose doors, windows and magazine racks obeyed certain laws of physics, yet not others; a school on the move, as it were, jumping around from one address to the next, while effortlessly migrating its phone number; a school that could be counted on as a storehouse and a prop for a horror show.
Speaking of props, what about the safety system camera that was supposedly at the front entrance? More about that in Part 2.
[1] Excerpted from Connecticut’s Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Reports, here are several quotes by various law enforcers on the scene during 12-14-12:
“A group of State Troopers then started to walk into the school from the front door. I believe they walked in through the broken front window. They each had their guns drawn and were asking what was going on.”
“I entered the school through the broken glass window on the right side of the main doors.”
“TFC Blumenthal and I entered the building through the hole in the glass window.”
“I do not remember how I entered the school, but it may have been through the window.”
“I entered the main entrance of the school either through the front door or the broken window.”
“I am not sure if I checked the doors to see if they were locked but I eventually entered the school through the broken glass windows.”
“We all entered the building through the broken window and entered into the lobby of the school.”
“We entered the main entrance through either the front door or broken window.”
“Utilizing the blown out window, we joined other officers and entered/secured the lobby area.”
“We all entered the building through the broken window and entered into the lobby of the school.”
“We all entered the building through the broken window and entered into the lobby of the school.”
*Ed., 2/2/23: The version of this article on Memory Hole Blog has been obliterated (through no fault of James Tracy, Ph.D.) I will be restoring Cinderella’s breadcrumb trail post, accessible via this footnote, on this blog soon.