Googling “Alison Maynard”

(Orig. published Dec. 9, 2011)

I googled my own name last night and all that comes up are the two defamatory screeds posted about me in 2007 on by the cockroach David Lat.  They come up over and over for the first five pages, via a host of copycat sites.  (I did not look beyond that.) THIS BLOG does not even come up!

Also coming up are photos of unattractive women.  There have been different ones since 2007, at some points a whole slew of pimply, scantily clad women named Alison Maynard inviting you to join them on Facebook and knocking back martinis.  A lot of money is being pumped into keeping this false picture of me in the forefront, and pushing my blog down. This would explain why I do not get any traffic on this site.  People can’t find out about it.  I feel sorry for two female attorneys, in the UK and Australia, who I know are legitimately named “Alison Maynard.” They’re being harmed by this smear campaign, too.

Multiple listings also come up for a business address I haven’t had for 11 years, and addresses I have never had, including one in Quantico, VA.  (They transformed my P.O. box number into a zip code!) Even without the disciplinary crap I endured, this false contact information would have killed my law practice.

In 2002, when I ran for Colorado Attorney General, I had a stellar web presence. Here’s one of the things still online (which also does not come up when “Alison Maynard” is googled).   Some newspaper articles about my career are here; here’s my issues statement from 2002–which sets forth a few of the reasons my opponent, Ken Salazar, was unfit–and here’s my resume. I have handled a great deal of litigation in the public interest–which means, in Colorado, fighting the corrupt governmental officials who were installed by the Mizel/Brownstein S&L fraudster/developer cabal. I do mean “installed,” because they also control elections.  And I do mean Ken Salazar is one of their stooges. So, I did get some favorable press before 2002, even to about 2007, mostly from local newspapers; even my letters to the editor came up when my name was googled. Many of those newspapers have since been bought up by William Dean Singleton, who is “good friends with Larry Mizel” (see “The Dysfunctional Denver Post).  Now, all the good stuff has been scrubbed. 

None of my federal complaints even come up.  There is only the cockroach dung.  Largely because of it I became the target of unending disciplinary proceedings beginning in 2007, which included baseless charges of mental incapacity and resulted in huge monetary sanctions slapped on me by the Colorado Supreme Court.  The latest punishment–imposed without any due process whatsoever–is a $100,000 fine by a crooked Denver district court judge named Michael A. Martinez, who then was anointed chief judge in reward.  Once again, as in the 10th Circuit, the court pulled this ploy of opening a new case, and calling that my appeal, in order to keep the incredible allegations and documents associated with the real appeal from ever reaching the public eye.  And then both courts dismissed the bogus case they created, when I did not play along.  I have been stripped of everything I own by these crooked courts, as well as my ability to earn a living. 

And I continue to be ridiculed on the web.  Enough already!  I have paid my debt to society–far more than I ever owed (which was negative, given my huge pro bono contributions).

Wouldn’t you think it was time Lat shelved his stupid article, laid off the “search engine optimization,” and canned his stupid website?  What does it take for a cockroach to realize there are no crumbs left in the kitchen?

***Update, Dec. 28, 2011: I googled my name not long after I had posted this article. On the first page of results appeared an image of this very article, and the reference to “pimply women” had a green border around it with an arrow pointing to one woman’s picture. This (along with the fact that none of my federal complaints come up) is proof positive that some hunchback with a single eye in the middle of his forehead is manipulating the search engines to do me maximum harm. And he is being paid.  Maybe he is within Google itself.

The Real Colorado image-7 Googling "Alison Maynard"

I revised the text of this post, and just checked back: the image of the blog post–with the colored border and arrow–is no longer there! I wish I’d taken a picture.

***UPDATE Jan. 21, 2012: I just googled “The Real Colorado”–and THIS BLOG DOES NOT COME UP AT ALL!!! I WENT THROUGH ALL 35 PAGES OF RESULTS!***

***Update, July 28, 2017:  I have substantial evidence that the person responsible for planting the  stuff with Lat originally, “optimizing” the Google results, and involved in pushing the disciplinary siege against me is a former Deputy Secretary of Interior and Notre Dame grad–another Catholic and classmate of Greg Hobbs, in other words–named David J. Hayes.  The reason he had to destroy my credibility is that I exposed false statements he made to Congress, the public, and courts pushing the billion-dollar Animas-La Plata project as a “settlement” of Ute water rights claims.   I had shown that the Utes had no valid claim whatsoever, so nothing to be settled, per a prior United States Supreme Court opinion information about which Hayes and his cohorts had suppressed.  Hayes should be in prison.  Instead, he managed to destroy my career and credibility, and enjoys a prestigious position at Stanford.  The truth has never come out.

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