(orig. pub. 5/30/20)
From the beginning, on Sept. 11, 2001, I did not believe that an airplane had crashed at Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The story was that on United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked by al Qaeda terrorists on its way to California, a passenger, one Todd Beamer, famously got a team of passengers together to overpower the terrorists, exclaiming, “Let’s roll!” This was reported by a GTE operator, who received his airphone call. A stewardess named Sandy Bradshaw busily heated coffee to fling in the face of the hijackers, who were taking over the plane with box cutters and had killed a passenger. Despite the passengers’ heroic attempt to retake the plane, it crashed.
My initial problem was, as Gertrude Stein put it: there is no there there. No plane. The official narrative insists it burrowed into the ground, breaking up into a million small pieces. The burrowing (just like, in my opinion, the melting of a plane into the side of the World Trade Center towers) is physically impossible. Photos of the crash site show a mound, although investigators refer to it as a “crater.” An early report said no human body part larger than a pinky was found at the site, but (as I’ll establish later) in fact two different FBI agents each found a hand at the exact same moment…so the largest piece was a whole hand (twice). The flight data recorder was unearthed 30 feet down. It does not have an identification number on it and its contents have not been released. Once again, as at the World Trade Center, a passport of one of the “hijackers” was improbably discovered in the pile.
I will have more to write about Flight 93 in future, particularly about the fake victim identification exercise, but let me give a teaser by noting that Beamer, Bradshaw, and the pilot, Jason Dahl, still have listings and current addresses (as of September 2019) in whitepages.com and Dahl has a current pilot’s license. None is listed in the Social Security Death Index, either. I was provided a lead that Bradshaw is working as a missionary overseas, although that info was apparently scrubbed from the web. David Ray Griffin early on established the impossibility that cellphone calls were made from any of the planes, as reported, in 2001. All of this is compelling evidence that the plane crash at Shanksville was a hoax.
Twice recently when I’ve brought up, to other 9/11 researchers, the absence of identifiable plane parts or bodies in the wreckage of Flight 93 I have been directed to photos from the Los Angeles Times of the Dec. 7, 1987 crash of Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 in San Luis Obispo, California, in which 43 people reportedly died. Well, let me correct that: I was directed to ONE photo of PSA Flight 1771. I’ve found a few more blurry ones. They show a group of men looking at litter on a hillside, with a squashed clothes hamper thing in the foreground. Only one of those guys is wearing gloves and none is carrying a notebook. One may be taking a leak.

So PSA 1771 set the standard for a crash site which has no visible airplane parts such as engines, landing gear, tires, doors, or seats, never mind baggage or bodies. We can’t expect such things in photos of Flight 93 on 9/11, see, because they weren’t there with PSA 1771. PSA 1771 taught us that an airplane can be transformed to a pile of kibble with papers scattered around.
I found this revealing account:
A call comes in to the San Luis Obispo County, California Sheriff’s Office citing a small plane crash in the mountains of southern California. Detective Bill Wammock is the first to arrive on the scene. He recalls “nothing that resembled an airliner… we went on for hours, before we heard the news reports of a missing airliner, believing that we were dealing with a small airplane full of newspapers that had crashed. We saw no pieces of the aircraft that were larger than, maybe, a human hand. It did not look like a passenger aircraft.
“Two days later, an FBI Agent working the scene found what appeared to be the barrel and trigger of a handgun. Forensic Analysists examined the pieces, and found a small piece of skin wedged between the trigger and the barrel. By matching the skin prints to the passenger manifest, investigators were able to conclude that the gun had been in the hand of USAir employee David Burke at the time of impact.“
Yep, more similarities to Flight 93, including nothing larger than a human hand. A “small plane full of newspapers.” Then the FBI shows up and finds the murder weapon and identifies the killer from a small piece of skin which, amazingly, had a fingerprint and could be matched to a passenger manifest. (Since when do they fingerprint passengers?) The crash “spelled the end of Pacific Southwest Airlines.” Wonder who had placed put options on PSA stock before it happened, as they did on United and American Airlines stock on Sept. 6 and 10, 2001?
My curiosity piqued, I looked in whitepages.com for some of the victims of the PSA 1771 crash, and found the same thing as for Flight 93. There were four top Chevron officials on PSA 1771 reportedly killed. Again all but one (Owen Murphy, who was older and I believe died, for real, under different circumstances later) have current addresses, including the former president of Chevron USA, James Sylla, 85 and still in Kentville, California. A memorial service was held for Mr. Sylla in 1987, but I found no obituary, or notice of an actual funeral. The dead guy continued to make property conveyances through 2001. Jocelyn Kempe has an address in Ojai, Calif., and is not listed in the Social Security Death Index. One quirk concerned the pilot, Capt. Gregg Nelson Lindamood. Obituaries say his date of birth was Oct. 9, 1944, and date of death Dec. 7, 1987. There is no whitepages listing for this man (and even long-dead people usually show up, marked “deceased”), nor any military listing under this name in ancestry.com. I was ready to declare him a fake, but then found an SSDI entry for “G. N. Lindamood”–just initials–with a birth date of Oct. 9, 1944, which gave me pause. Was this, at last, a person authentically killed in the PSA plane crash? Something prompted me to look for “Gregory Lindamood,” however, and one came up in the Ohio birth index with a date of birth of Oct. 9, 1944. I then looked in the military records and found a Gregory Lindamood who was decorated in 1988, although the birth date did not carry over onto the page I took a screenshot of. So, it appears that, with a slight name change in the interest of national security and a medal for his service, Greg was good to go, especially with the $3.9 million his family got in their lawsuit.
The immediate giveaway that Flight 1771 was also a hoax is the Omnipresent Manifesto. There is often, in these psy ops, a tract written by the killer setting forth his motive. (Or maybe there is the Arab’s passport, making sure we know who did the deed.) In this case the person accused of causing the crash, David A. Burke, had been an employee of USAir who was fired, according to the handwritten note on a barf bag found at the scene. Burke came on the plane with a concealed gun and shot his former supervisor, Ray F. Thomson, and maybe also the pilot, or both pilot and co-pilot (accounts differ: remember, no bodies were found), causing the crash. The point of the psy op is thus: more security is necessary so we won’t get these crazies with guns on planes. We need more restrictions on travel! And we got them. This crash was but one data point in a continuous line which (I believe) began in the early 1970’s, each point representing a new and greater restriction on travel to the current time (2020–when we can’t travel at all!), with full body scanners and armed guards patting us down. By the way, Ray Thomson’s date of death is reported in whitepages as 12/15/1987, and Burke’s as 12/1/1987, rather than the date of the crash, 12/7/1987. How did these discrepancies get introduced? We must wonder. Whitepages relies on public records from numerous sources.

More on Burke is that newspaper articles say his middle name is Augustus, and whitepages has an entry for David A. Burke, from Inglewood, California, with a date of birth of May 18, 1952, who is represented as deceased at age 35. He has a brother named Altamont, whom I later found living in Rochester, New York, who confirmed David had gone to Madison High School in Rochester. Here’s his high school yearbook photo, which looks like the picture on Find-a-Grave. It attributes a black power-themed comment to him, consistent with the persona created for the psy op. A piece of bad information, in this article, is that David Augustus Burke sued USAir for discrimination in around 1974. I searched both federal and state court dockets in the Rochester area from 1973-75 and found no lawsuits. There’s an obvious effort to paint him as a bad boy.
Brother Altamont, who was the executor of David’s estate, had extensive conversations with me in February through April of 2020, until he died, unexpectedly, in May 2020. In December 1987, Altamont had flown to Los Angeles shortly after the crash and went, with his brother Allan, to the FBI, where they asked to inspect the murderer’s note, to see if the handwriting was David’s. The FBI–outrageously–refused to produce it and escorted them roughly out of the building. On April 9th, 2020, I made a FOIA request on the FBI for all materials related to its investigation of this crash. The second part of this article will discuss in detail what the FBI produced in response, but I note here, emphatically, that it did not include the handwritten note. The FBI not only has never produced that, they do not even mention it in their response, despite my specific request for that item.
Importantly, the National Transportation Safety Board’s website does not show the PSA Flight 1771 accident on the docket! I did a FOIA to NTSB, too, even though it assured me everything was on its website, and nothing was initially produced. There is a sort of report about the crash on its website, but it is conclusory and sophomoric. There should be hundreds of photos and mounds of documentation and analysis of the cause of the crash, the flight path, flight data recorder, cockpit voice recorder, medical/emergency response witness testimonies. That the report is so lame–and there’s no entry for the crash on the NTSB’s accident docket–is dispositive of fakery. Compare, for example, this NTSB report on the Aug. 16, 1987, crash of a Northwest Airlines flight in Detroit. It is 140 pages long. NTSB extensively analyzed that crash, catalogued the damage to the aircraft, examined crew training, emergency response, and more. The report contains a transcript of the air-to-ground communications. Numerous interested parties participated in the investigation, followed by a four-day public hearing. Nothing remotely similar took place in connection with PSA 1771.
And here’s another clincher. I took the specs about the plane, the registration number (known as the “N-number,” in this case N350PS), etc., from that NTSB “report,” and went to the Federal Aviation Administration’s website to look up the plane’s registration. I plugged that data in, and learned the plane was deregistered, the reason given as “destroyed,” April 14, 1993. That means it could still have been service for six years following the “crash” that reduced it to handfuls of kibble sprinkled on a California hillside. Regulations in force since 1966 (14 CFR Sec. 47.41(b)(3)) require the certificate of a destroyed plane to be signed on the reverse side and sent in to FAA within 21 days. I have recently done a FOIA on the FAA, to ask for copies of both sides of the registration certificate for this plane, but decided I had enough even without that to publish this blog post.
Shades of 9/11, where NTSB did not do a real investigation, either, and two of the planes which supposedly crashed also remained in service for many more years (one the Shanksville plane). Researcher David Cole has done this helpful summary of NTSB’s responsibilities respecting airplane crash investigations. Federal regulations make IT the lead agency in such investigations, but in both these suspicious airplane crashes, PSA 1771 and Flight 93 at Shanksville, we see it abdicate its responsibilities and genuflect before the FBI. Conclusion: the FBI takes charge because it is the lead agency in carrying out psy ops. The FBI takes charge of the scene when it’s not a real crash. (I note it also takes charge of the scene when it has caused the crash, as I believe it did with Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded in the air over Lockerbie, Scotland.)
The FBI special agent in charge in L.A. at the time of the PSA 1771 crash, one Richard Bretzing, had (and has) an unsavory reputation. He was sued for racial discrimination and disliked by subordinates. Weirdly, he was a bishop with the Mormon Church even while holding his position with FBI in L.A. He now lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, and his son Greg is with the FBI. Greg was involved in the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and Lavoy Finicum shooting, which was also a likely psy op. But that’s the stuff of another article.
The moral of the story being: a real airplane crash won’t look like PSA 1771, which was fake. It will look like Pam Am 103 at Lockerbie. Ergo, UA Flight 93 in Shanksville was not a real crash.
Update 8/8/20: I got a response to my FOIA from the FBI on June 9th. It does not include the handwritten note on the airsickness bag, nor numerous other things that should be in their file. The files they sent are here. My letter asking for supplemental production of numerous documents which were referenced in these files, but not produced, is here; and my appeal filed Aug. 5, 2020, is here. I also got 581 pages of records from the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office (a great number of them duplicates). Both constitute damning evidence, in and of themselves, that this event was nothing like what was reported. I will soon be doing Part II to this article.
Update 12/16/20: I was criticized by some lamebrained foul-mouthed shills for using whitepages.com in my research. They got the present article taken off the website of the 9/11 Truth Action Project (TAP). But I defend the use of whitepages as a first pass: it usually turns up extremely valuable information, especially contact information, even if sometimes that information is wrong. Just got to confirm everything via other sources.
Update 11/5/24: The promised Part II: tons of solid proof this airplane crash was a hoax perpetrated by the FBI. Go here:
One thought on “Flight 93 and the Fake Crash of PSA 1771 that Presaged It”
Greast article.