(drafted originally in August 2016; published only on 10/19/22)
[Readers will want to read Brittany Maynard, My Undead Niece before this connected post.]
Iris Ruth Ziegler, whom I knew as “Mrs. Ziegler,” was Brittany Maynard’s grandmother. Her daughter was Brittany’s mother Debbie Ziegler, and her son was David Quincy Ziegler, who works in military intelligence and had to have planned–probably even originated the idea for–the psychological operation involving his (and my) niece Brittany Maynard. Mrs. and Mr. Ziegler had two other daughters, Sarah and Donna, who I have not established were involved in the psy op.
So Mrs. Ziegler was not related to me, and I did not know her well, but my brother (Brittany’s father) thought highly of her.
She was killed at age 80 in a gruesome automobile accident in Dallas, Texas, on Nov. 6, 2011. From the few things my brother has said about her, I believe Mrs. Ziegler would not have gone along with the Brittany caper. She would have cared enough about Brittany not to let her ruin her life by participating in this huge fraud which wiped out her identity and history. I thus requested records from the Dallas Police Department about the accident, wondering if this could have been a “hit” by CIA goons too far along in the Britt psy op planning to let Mrs. Ziegler stand in their way. Those records are here, and they do raise substantial questions about whether the “accident” was, in fact, no accident. Note that, although I waited over a year to get these records–and had to make multiple contacts with the DPD about them, finally making a personal trip to Dallas in 2016–several pages are not even legible. In addition, the Dallas Police withheld a number of documents as confidential, even asking for an Attorney General opinion about them, something I found puzzling.
I had found a report of the accident in the Dallas Morning News online. It said that Mrs. Ziegler, driving a Dodge pickup, had stopped at a stop sign on Scottsdale Drive before pulling into the intersection to turn left onto Military Parkway to go southeast, whereupon she was struck by a southeast-bound Toyota pickup that did not stop. The collision occurred in Pleasant Grove, at dusk. When I got the police report, I saw that the Dallas Morning News had mixed up who owned the green Toyota truck (Ms. Ziegler) and who owned the red Dodge truck. However, the News report said it relied on the police report. Whatever. In addition, I could not find the the obituary for Mrs. Ziegler online. I had to request a copy of the print version via Inter Library Loan.
What disturbs me about the police records, first, is that, although this was a vehicular homicide, no charges were filed against the Dodge truck driver. She is referred to as “Witness 1” in the report. Mrs. Ziegler’s green Toyota truck was struck on the right front passenger side and spun counter-clockwise, the right back corner of her vehicle colliding against the left passenger side of Witness 1’s vehicle. After the impact, Mrs. Ziegler was ejected from her vehicle through the right front passenger window and landed in the left lane of SE traffic. This makes no sense, since her truck was struck on the right side. Here’s the police diagram:

The right passenger side is pushed in, so the direction of force was inward; and we see an inflated airbag on the passenger side, which should have prevented ejection, even if there was recoil. And we are to believe a tall woman–I would say Mrs. Ziegler was almost six feet tall–flew out the passenger side window? Her purse is sitting undisturbed on the seat. Why did it not fly out that window with her, or at least end up on the floor?
The report states Mrs. Ziegler was not wearing her seat belt. They always need to blame the victim. Was there any investigation into whether the seat belt worked, or may have been tampered with? No. No photo of the seat belt, either. And then, there is the fact that the accident happened at 5:45 p.m. and she was not delivered to the hospital until 8:04 p.m.
Equally shocking was the statement of Witness 2, who was coming up from the southeast and said she moved from the right lane to the left lane because Witness 1 was coming up fast and tailgating her. So Witness 1–the person who hit Mrs. Ziegler–would have had her vision blocked, as likely would have the victim. Witness 1 was speeding, at 45 mph. I say this because there is an elementary school right at 7700 Military Parkway (p. 14 of agenda item 15). Although it was 5:45 p.m., so the speed limit might not have been 20 mph right then, it was likely 30 mph. Yet the cop wrote that Mrs. Ziegler had failed to yield the right of way and “contributed to her own death.”
Note the cop grinning under the stop sign:

Witnesses said neither car had its lights on, but it was not dark yet. Daylight savings time had just ended at 2:00 a.m. that morning (Nov. 6, 2011), which means it was the equivalent of 4:45 p.m. the day before.In fact, the interior of the Dodge truck shows the steering column, with lights switched “on.”

The perpetrator–again, called by the cop “Witness 1,” not “Suspect”–is one Carla Amanda-Renee Moore. This woman has an astonishingly long rap sheet. She has been suspended multiple times for driving without a license, driving without insurance, and failure to appear. On Nov. 6, 2011, she was driving under suspension both for no insurance as well as no driver’s license when she hit Mrs. Ziegler, but it’s weird, because the record says the suspension began 5/6/2011, and ended “12/31/9999.” Suspensions do not automatically resolve themselves, yet Moore was not even charged with driving under suspension, let alone reckless driving resulting in death. In Colorado, driving under suspension three times, without any aggravating offenses, bumps it up to a felony. Looks like no big deal in Texas. However, DPD policies indicate she should have been charged.
So who is Ms. Carla Amanda-Renee Moore, that she should receive such favorable treatment from the police? Was some deal made to wipe this criminal’s record clean, in return for her playing the role of a reckless driver, while the death of Mrs. Ziegler was in fact caused by other means? Because there really is no evidence she was ejected from her vehicle. And who is this cop who found no problem with a person driving recklessly, under suspension, causing an accident which resulted in death?
I tried to contact Ms. Moore and the other two witnesses, Fermin Chantaca and Anna Delgado. The police report assigned the same telephone number to the latter two, 214-762-5689, although they were driving different cars. This number had a recording (as of Oct. 2017) identifying the owner as the office of “Lane Corbett.” Interestingly, the number is now (Sept. 2022) assigned to Anna Maria Delgado. I tried repeatedly to get Chantaca (who also has a long rap sheet), and my computer (from which I make calls) was interfered with, so I never did. I did get Delgado, who was evasive. She could not remember a single detail of this fatal accident. I also left a message at the number of the officer who blamed Mrs. Ziegler for causing her own death, Dudley Marchetti, but never got a call back.
Now here’s the real kicker. Because of that purse sitting undisturbed on the seat, the inflated airbag, and the witness who didn’t remember anything about the incident, I looked up Mrs. Ziegler in whitepages.com, and found a current listing for her, not only at the house on Eden Roc in Dallas–which they have owned as long as I’ve known the Zieglers (since 1971)–but at the address in Carlsbad, California, where Debbie lived after her divorce from my brother. Debbie’s father, Orpha Theldan Ziegler, is listed at the same address in Carlsbad. Whitepages does not show a date of death for either Iris or O.T. I was unable to obtain the death certificate for Iris, because Texas Health and Human Services will provide it only to certain close relatives.
Whitepages accesses data about people from a wide number of sources. It’s not enough, by itself, to establish that someone is living or dead, I readily acknowledge, but along with the many questions surrounding the police report and the DPD attorney’s refusal to respond fully to my demand for records–or even to provide me the Texas Attorney General’s opinion–a prima facie case has been made that Iris is still alive. So scratch what I said above about Mrs. Ziegler having the character not to participate in the Brittany caper. She didn’t. She jumped on board so all the Zieglers could roll in the shit together like a happy little family of piggies.